RStudio will almost certainly do what you need it to do without messing with any settings. However, part of what makes it a fantastic IDE is its impressive customization. The following is a collection of settings many people will want to tweak. Unless otherwise specified, these settings are found in Tools > Global Options.

Note that because the vast majority of students use Macs (as do I), some details will be Mac-specific. Translating to PC (or Linux) is well-documented and should be pretty straightforward with common sense and minimal googling.

One of the main reasons I include this information is to clarify why my screen doesn’t look like yours when I do demos, since that’s caused some confusion for students in the past. You don’t need to change anything if you don’t feel the need to, but you should understand how to interact with setups that appear or operate differently than yours.


General Settings and Expected Behavior

Source/Code Editing (the “Data” bit)

R Markdown (the “Manuscript” bit)