Mini-projects & Assessment Menu

Mini-projects are organized through the D2MR centralized assessment repository. Information found on the page, along with extra details about the technical stuff, can be found in the README of the repo


“Mini-projects” are a collection of many semi-structured and open-ended projects that you can complete to demonstrate your understanding of the course material. These projects are designed to be flexible and allow you to focus on the skills that are most interesting and useful to you.

You will meet the same objectives in the mini-projects as in the final research project, giving you the opportunity to show that you can apply the skills you learn to more than one context.

Grading breakdown

You can earn up to 40 objectives-based points across multiple “mini-projects”, chosen from the assessment menu.

The first 20 points must be demonstration of 20 unique objectives. An additional 20 points may be earned in one or more of the following ways:

  • Demonstrating additional assessed standards
    • These can be repeats of standards you’ve already demonstrated in another assignment, but you can only earn points for each standard once per assignment
  • Demonstrating unassessed learning objectives
    • These objectives are things I hope you will come away from the class having learned but that you are not required to demonstrate in your research project
  • Completing an “off-the-syllabus” (OtS) project
    • You can take the initiative to independently learn a few skills beyond the scope of this class. The assessment menu has several suggestions for OtS projects, but you can tailor this to your specific interests. This is a chance to develop the skills that are most interesting and useful to you.
  • You can go “off the menu” and design your own mini-projects, but you must receive approval from the professor before beginning an OtM project.

In theory you could earn all 40 points in a single assignment, but that would be a project even bigger than your independent course project. You have a full quarter to complete these assignments, so you can pace yourself and choose the assignments that are most interesting and useful to you. Most students will complete 3-5 of these mini-projects.

Mini-projects engagement

You can earn up to 10 engagement points across all mini-projects. These points are awarded for demonstrating effort above and beyond the minimum requirements. This can include things like:

  • Creatively converting an optional practice exercise into a full mini-project
  • Integrating work from a previous assignment into another
  • Answering in-assignment questions/prompts with particularly thoughtful responses
  • Demonstrating a high level of understanding of the material
  • Demonstrating a high level of creativity in your work
  • Including a written reflection on your work in the assignment (in the file)
  • Collaborating with classmates on the assignment in a novel way (e.g., working together on a multi-person assessment option)

Centralized assessment repository

Detailed instructions for using the centralized repo to complete and submit mini-projects are included in the README file of the centralized assessment repository.

Briefly, you will complete mini-projects in the subdirectories of your forked repository, then submit a link to the subdirectory on Canvas. Your grader will review your work and provide feedback in the file in that project’s directory.

Project types

Mini-projects will mostly fall into one of the following categories: guided exercises, open-ended projects, or off-the-menu projects. The menu overview below discusses these in more detail, but here’s a quick summary of the mechanics for completing and submitting them:

Guided exercises

These projects will have a Quarto notebook that will guide you through the project, like leveled data cleaning exercises. The notebook will include instructions, code snippets, and explanations to help you complete the project. Unless otherwise stated, all aspects of the project should complete these projects in the Quarto notebook.

Open-ended projects

These projects will have a file that will provide a general description of the project and some guidance on how to approach it. Provided it is sensible to do so, you will put your work in that same directory, in whatever form it takes.

In some cases it’s won’t make sense (or even be possible) to complete the project in the directory of your centralized assessment repo. For example, mini-projects that require some kind of “publication” (like a website or Quarto APA manuscript) will need to exist in their own dedicated repositories; they can’t run as subdirectories another repo.

In those cases, you should still add and complete an file in the associated project directory (here in the centralized repo), which will include any necessary information about how to access your work.

Off-the-menu projects

You can also design your own “off-the-menu” projects. To do so, create a new directory in the repository, name it appropriately, and add a copy of the file from the your forked repo’s root. Instructions for completing and submitting the proposal via Canvas are included in that document.

Once approved, you can start working on the project. When you submit your finished project, you’ll follow the same process as the on-the-menu projects, but you’ll be resubmitting to the same assignment on Canvas that you submitted your proposal to.

Submitting mini-projects

When you finish a mini-project, you should complete the file in the project subdirectory, then submit a link to that subdirectory on Canvas.

Submit to any one of your 10 mini-project assignments on Canvas (whichever the next open one is, doesn’t matter as long as it’s not one you’ve already used). The Canvas assignment is simply a text box where you should include:

  1. The name of the project and/or a brief description of the project
  2. A link to the subdirectory for your mini-project
    1. If you completed the project in a separate repository, your file in the subdirectory should explain how to access your work.
  3. Any additional info you’d like your grader to know

Your grader will access the directory you’ve linked to, review your work, and provide feedback in the file. Once the assessment is complete, your grader will push the file back to your repository, and your Canvas assignment submission will be marked “complete.”